Another great passion of mine is that of decorating and transforming furniture.
Many furnishings that you find in the House in the Castle were already present before us, with different purposes, functions or colors. Observing every element of the house with detachment and trying to relocate it giving it new life is a wonderful challenge for me!
Here in the gallery, I show you some before/after I made at home. From the repainted armchair to the marble table that has become a bathroom cabinet, to the completely transformed kitchen, there are many ideas that you can also reuse in your environment if you have furniture that is a bit dated but that you don’t want to throw away.
If you want to receive personalized advice you can contact me.
Some examples of Relooking

The sink cabinet was a garden table. We have reused it by having it modified by the marble worker and combining it with an elegant countertop washbasin. To make it more functional, we then added an old wood top.

I repainted with the Shabbi technique the armchair which was originally dark brown.

The kitchen was in solid dark wood, it was completely disassembled, repainted, and reassembled by changing its layout and replacing the windows with the mesh for a more country effect.